To My Amazing Husband….

Today, as corny as it may be, I want to take a moment to pour my heart out and celebrate the incredible man in my life—my husband, Joe Feminella, the Founder and CEO of FROME. This is more than just a blog post; rather it’s a public love letter to the most amazing partner I could ever have dreamed of. My soulmate, my best friend, and my greatest supporter.

Joe, you are not just my rock; you are the very foundation of our family’s strength and dreams. Your hard work, devotion, and unwavering love have shaped our present and are building an extraordinary future. Every day, I watch in awe as you pour your heart and soul into your work. Your dedication to FROME is nothing short of inspiring. I see the long hours, the sleepless nights, the countless emails, and the endless passion you invest in every project, every idea, every detail. Your relentless pursuit of excellence has not only carved a path for FROME’s success but has also shown me what it means to follow your dreams with unshakable determination. I want you to know that your hard work is not just seen; it’s deeply appreciated and cherished. I just know that your passion will continue to inspire, your determination will continue to drive progress, and your vision will continue to shape the world.

I also want to acknowledge the incredible team that stands alongside you in the journey of FROME. They are not just your colleagues; they are a part of our extended family. Their dedication and hard work are a testament to the remarkable leader you are, and I am just so thankful for each and every one of them.

On an even more personal note, your kindness, your generosity, your light and levity in the face of even the most difficult days are qualities that make you truly exceptional. You are my confidant, my partner-in-adventure, and you constantly remind me of the true meaning of love. You make every day brighter, every challenge surmountable, and every dream attainable. You have a unique gift for making not only myself, but everyone around you feel cherished and protected, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Our journey together thus far has been nothing short of incredible. And as I look to the future, my darling husband, I do so with an immense sense of excitement and security. Today, and everyday, I want the world to know just how proud I am of you, how grateful I am for your love and care, and how excited I am for the phenomenal future we are building together. You are, without a doubt, the love of my life, and I thank the stars above for bringing you into my world. I love you more than words can express, today and always. Thank you for being you, for being mine, and for being extraordinary in every way. Until next time my love x


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Aussie Model in LA 🇦🇺 Blog Writer and Co-host of First Rounds On Me Podcast

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