Unlocking Better Dating: Why First Round’s On Me Is Ahead of the Game

Let’s face it—dating apps everywhere are on a feature adding frenzy. From message limits to match restrictions, incognito modes, and AI add-ons, it’s like everyone is throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, in an attempt to fix the same problems that they initially created : burnout, fatigue, and that ever-looming sense of “meh.” Well, what if I told you First Round’s On Me isn’t just keeping up with the trends, but actually setting them? 

You see, while other apps are just starting to roll out these “innovative” features, we’ve been offering them from the get-go. To prove it, in today’s blog I’ll break down these new “advancements” and demonstrate how FROM isn’t just keeping up with the trends—we’ve been setting them. Raising the bar for what a modern dating app can—and should—be, right from the start. Grab a glass of wine, and let’s dive in.. 


Oh Hinge. Joe and I have always had a soft spot for you since, well, you’re the reason we first met. But we have to be real—our story was a bit of a rebel tale. While your platform offers the classic swipe-and-chat routine, we decided to shake things up a bit with intentionality and spontaneity in mind. Instead of getting tangled in endless messages and matching just to match, we sprinkled a little First Round’s On Me magic into the mix. We went from matching to exchanging a few brief messages and—boom!—we were out on our first date a mere 5 hours later. By the end of the night, we were head over heels, largely in part to skipping the chatting and matching marathon, and diving straight into real-life connection.

Now, let’s chat about Hinge’s latest attempt to tackle the dating app fatigue that we all know too well. In May of this year, they started rolling out a new feature called “Your Turn Limits,” which they say is all about shifting the spotlight from quantity to quality. The idea is to curb the chaos by limiting how many new connections you can make if you have eight or more unanswered messages. Their goal? To foster more meaningful conversations and reduce that overwhelming feeling of swiping endlessly. Founder and CEO Justin McLeod is hoping this move will help users feel less overwhelmed by the burnout that comes with the swipe-and-message grind. 

While this new feature sounds like a nice try, and I’m truly happy they are attempting to help their community, First Round’s On Me has already nailed these principles in our core design. We didn’t just jump on the bandwagon; we built our whole platform around battling those concerns. Here’s how:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: We believe that meaningful connections beat match count any and every day. Our theory has always been “Why get lost in a sea of swipes and endless matches when you can focus on what really matters—an amazing first date? “ That’s why we’ve simplified things: you get just one match per day, ensuring that each connection has the chance to shine. We really believe this supports our users in forming deeper, more intentional  connections from the start, rather than getting lost in the sea of digital exchanges.
  2. Authentic Engagement: Unlike other apps that add features to manage the volume of messages, FROM is already designed to make every connection count. We don’t allow you to chat more than 24 hours, saving all of those beautiful icebreakers and juicy “get to know you’s“ for the actual date itself.  Now, we do give you more time in the chat box for our higher level subscriptions, but that’s purely to aid those who feel they need a little more time to vet the connection. However, and at the end of the day, we know this method leads to less excessive messaging, more connecting, and wayyyy less burnout from never-ending online chatter. Our focus has always been on quality interactions. and to provide a platform where people are encouraged to engage meaningfully and authentically, right from the start.


Oh, Bumble, always buzzing around with new updates. And honestly, after your latest and greatest fumble ( A vow of celibacy is not the answer, really ? Millions, including myself, were —and still are— shaking our heads in disappointment  ) I’m not surprised to see you scrambling. 

In May of this year, they introduced a new “Opening Move” feature that’s supposed to take the legwork out of starting conversations. Essentially, it’s a prewritten prompt feature for women to initiate conversations without the typical “Hi, how’s it going?” struggle. You can choose from a list of curated icebreakers or get creative with your own. Bumble CEO, Lidiane Jones said this – “In listening to our community, many have shared their exhaustion with the current online dating experience, and for some, that includes making the first move.”

It sounds like a win, right? Personally, I think it’s just another way to add more structure to an already scripted experience.

FROM’s got a better way. Why? Because we’ve always been about setting up real-life interactions right from the start. No endless chatting, no guessing games—just a straightforward, organic and intentional approach to dating. Our app is literally designed to get you offline and into the real world, fast. To get rid of the “What will I message” woes. We know that chemistry doesn’t spark over a string of texts; it ignites when you’re face-to-face, sharing a laugh and a drink. Because, let’s be honest – no amount of witty opening liners can replace real life chemistry or a well planned first date. So, while Bumble is busy making it “easier” to send that first message, we’re out here making sure you don’t have to. Instead, we’re all about getting you to that first round of drinks as soon as possible—because that, my babe, is where the magic really happens.


Last, but certainly not least, we’re turning our attention to the one that started it all. The granddaddy of dating apps, the one that stuck us with the swipe, the pioneer that kicked off this whole digital romance revolution: Tinder.

Oh, Tinder. You turned the simple act of swiping into a cultural phenomenon, sparking a global conversation about digital dalliances. Your innovation set the stage for a new era in dating, and for that, we tip our hats to you. But let’s face it—while you were once the trailblazer in this wild world of online love, I think it’s time for you to admit that the dating scene has moved on. The future of dating isn’t just on the horizon; it’s already here and it’s called FROM.

In April 2024, they introduced their shiny new safety feature called “Share My Date,” allowing users to share their location, time, and a photo of their match with friends and family. Hmmm, that sound’s oddly familiar… And listen, I’m not angry at it, because it is a decent attempt to make the world of online dating a bit safer—and, let’s be real, everyone could use a little extra assurance before meeting a complete stranger off of the internet. But in my opinion, while they’re just now figuring out that safety might be a concern, here at First Round’s On Me, we’ve been setting the standard for a safe and secure dating experience since day one. 

Let’s talk about the safety features that truly make FROM the real MVP. First up, our In-App Date Planning feature. We don’t just let you swipe and chat—we’re all about action. FROM gives you the tools to schedule and coordinate date details right within the app, ensuring that both parties know exactly when, where, and how the date is going down. No more vague “let’s connect sometime” texts, dodgy plans or murky meet-ups. With FROM, you’ve got concrete plans, and with concrete plans comes a more concrete level safety. Knowing the who, what, where, and when is half the battle, and we’ve got you covered.

But wait, there’s more—our Date Check-In feature. Fifteen minutes into your date, our app gently taps you on the shoulder to see how things are going. If you’re having a blast, great, carry on! But if the date is taking a turn for the worse, you can discreetly indicate that you’re not feeling it, and FROM will alert your designated emergency contact. It’s like having your best friend secretly sitting at the bar, ready to swoop in if needed. This proactive and innovative feature ensures that you’re not just safe before and after the date, but during it too.

So, while the rest are just now scrambling to patch up their flaws, I hope you can see that we’ve been setting the gold standard from day one. We’ve been here, doing all of this, and in my opinion, doing it better all along. On First Round’s On Me, you don’t have to choose between trendy features and authentic connections, between safety and spontaneity. When my darling husband created this app back in 2019, he took everything you wished the other apps could do and turned it into our core mission. 

So my question to you, dear reader, is this: why settle for half-hearted solutions and hastily added features when you can have it all with us?  It’s time to ditch the distractions, cut through the noise, and join a dating revolution that’s designed to put you first—always. Until next time x

HJF for First Round’s On Me


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Hannah Glasby

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